Recently, I took a trip to IKEA, and made a video to share some of my favorite products. This is not a complete list of every item that I love, but a compilation of essentials (with some exceptions).
Here is the video, but I've made a list below, linking to all of the products!

VALLENTUNA sleeper sofa series
(non-essential but an amazing product for small spaces!)

image via: Bemz
KALLAX series

image via: Natasha Habermann Studio
KALLAX drawer inserts

KALLAX wire basket

BILLY series

VARIERA flatware trays

image via: Natasha Habermann Studio
VARIERA lid organizer

image via: Natasha Habermann Studio
RISATORP wire basket

image via: Natasha Habermann Studio
POKAL glass

ELLY dish towels

TEKLA dish towel

KORKEN series


design by: Natasha Habermann Studio
FJÄDRAR inner cushions

RITVA curtains

VILBORG curtains

design by: Natasha Habermann Studio
KRONILL pleating tape

RIKTIG curtain hook

KUGGIS series

image via:

BITTERGURKA watering can
design by: Natasha Habermann Studio
Do you have any favorite IKEA products?
If so, tell me about them!
AND, if you want to make my day, please subscribe to my YouTube channel!