Last weekend, Ashley Goldman and I teamed up for a KonMari style clean out of her bedroom closet. If you don’t know our backstory, Ashley and I met through the One Room Challenge. Sophie Dow, editor in chief of House Beautiful, selected us as the winners out of the 200+ talented guest participants. We became fast friends and were lucky to meet in real life last December.

I’m on a KonMari style organization mission, and Ashley wanted to try this style in her bedroom closet. We went live on Instagram, and I shared my favorite bedroom organization tips while Ashley purged her closet using this method.
If you missed our IG live, Ashley, my technology wizard, put together this fantastic YouTube video of the entire process!
I’ve shared my bedroom organization steps in a previous post, but here are the
key points:
ONE: Remove EVERYTHING from your closet
TWO: Touch each item and ask yourself, does this spark joy? If not, thank the item, and put it in the donation bin. Ashley has some great tips for where to donate unwanted items. If you’re having a hard time parting with an item, I’ve shared my suggestions on how to let go here.
THREE: After filtering through your clothes, put everything back. I advise hanging clothes on uniform hangers. My personal favorites are the velvet ones!
FOUR: After you’ve gone through your wardrobe, assess what you've kept. Maybe you kept only neural colors and eliminated brights in your wardrobe. Understanding the items you've saved will help stave off impulsivity in the future.
There’s a difference between being able to appreciate the beauty of a piece of clothing and the need to own it.
Head over to Ashley's blog to see what she learned during her closet cleanout! Hope these tips have helped! And as always, send any questions my way! Happy organizing!